About Your Surgery
Thank you for choosing Salem Laser & Surgery Center. To schedule or cancel a procedure, please call your surgeon. We are committed to ensuring that your experience with us is relaxed and worry-free, from consultation through recovery.
Salem Laser & Surgery Center is an outpatient surgical facility dedicated to a broad range of surgical procedures and specializing in eye care. The surgeons, nurses and technicians at our center are eye surgery professionals with one clear commitment: to provide you with quality care and optimal patient health.
Thousands of procedures are performed each year at Salem Laser & Surgery Center by some of the region’s most prominent and trusted ophthalmologists. Using cutting edge technology and unparalleled medical expertise, the physicians and staff perform a variety of procedures: including eyelid reconstruction, lens replacement, LASIK and cataract surgery.
Salem Laser & Surgery Center is a special place and we invite you to explore our site to learn more about our facility, procedures and physicians — plus the latest health news. Give us a call today at (888) 762-0754.
Prior to your surgery
- Your ophthalmologist will conduct a preoperative history and physical exam within 30 days of your scheduled surgery.
- Follow all pre-surgery instructions provided by your surgeon. Some procedures require you to stop eating or drinking liquids prior to the surgery. If you have any questions, contact your ophthalmologist or the surgery scheduler. Notify your surgeon if there is any change in your physical condition prior to your surgery, such as a fever or infection.
Your day of surgery
We ask that you arrive promptly at your scheduled time to fill out the required forms and complete the administration process.
- Wear comfortable loose-fitting clothing with buttons down the front of your blouse or shirt. Do not wear makeup, lotion or jewelry – a wedding ring is alright to wear. All valuables, including purses and wallets, should be left at home or with a responsible adult.
- Patients are not allowed to drive themselves home after surgery. Please arrange for someone to drive you home and remain with you for six hours after discharge from our center. Public transportation may be used only if you are accompanied by an adult. You will not be allowed to leave the center unescorted.
- Bring only one friend or family member with you the day of surgery, due to limited seating area. If that person leaves the center during surgery, we ask they leave a cell phone number with our receptionist so we can contact them when you are ready to go home.
- Your doctor’s office will call to confirm your appointment a few days prior to surgery.
Here is what you can expect:
- Upon entering the center, notify the receptionist of your arrival. Be sure to bring your insurance or Medicare card, which will be copied and returned to you at this time.
- You will be asked to sign a consent form, which authorizes our physicians to perform the surgery. A nurse will record your vital signs and other pertinent patient information. Any questions you have may also be addressed at this time.
- An IV will be started, allowing us to administer a relaxant that will make you feel comfortable throughout the procedure.
- Eye drops may also be given prior to and during surgery to prepare your eye(s) for the procedure.
- During surgery, mild sedation will be administered to minimize pain and discomfort you may experience, but will allow you to speak and respond to verbal cues throughout the procedure, communicating any discomfort you may experience to the provider. A brief period of amnesia may erase any memory of the procedure.
- During surgery, the skin around your eyes will be thoroughly cleansed, and sterile coverings will be placed around your head. You may notice bright lights, movement and noise but you will not be able to see the procedure while it is happening.
- Mild sedation allows patients to recover quickly after the procedure and resume normal daily activities in a short period of time.
- After the surgery, you will be asked to rest in our recovery room for a short time until the effects of the medication wear off.
After your surgery
The following guidelines are intended to help you return to your normal routine as quickly as possible after surgery:
- It is important to first follow any specific instructions given to you by your surgeon regarding your recovery. Your surgeon’s instructions will always take precedence over general rules of recovery.
- You may resume your regular diet and eating habits immediately. Keep in mind that alcohol should not be consumed within 24 hours after surgery.
- Use eye medications as labeled by your surgeon. Follow your surgeon’s instructions for your other medications. Laxatives may be taken if needed.
- If an eye patch or shield is prescribed, wear it according to your surgeon’s instructions.
- Do not rub or touch your treated eyes. Avoid getting soap and water in your eyes.
- You may watch television. Ask your surgeon if it is permissible to read.
- Eye make-up should not be worn unless approved by your surgeon.
- All activities are normally permitted one week after surgery. Consult with your surgeon if you have questions regarding a specific activity.